
Friday, October 11, 2013

Five for Friday

So, I swore I wouldn't let it happen, but it has. I haven't posted in two weeks! Between grad school and school school, it has been super busy! I did want to take time to link up with Doodle Bugs for Five for Friday, though. I took the time I had off this week to get a little ahead in grad school, work on a couple of TPT products, and hang with my favorite little man. 
I am SO excited about my new Duck Dynasty themed math workshop board! I can't wait to get back to school and put it up! My class is crazy about the show, so I'm hoping this gets them excited about math too.

I made these 7 Habits posters specifically for upper elementary grades this past summer. The feedback has been great! Apparently I wasn't the only one who wanted some "not too babyish, not too grown" posters for my big kids! After a couple of buyers left feedback about having trouble reading them, I decided to change the backgrounds a little to make them easier to read. 

My teammate and I both ordered custom minis from Teaching in the Tongass, and boy, is she FAST! She sent my mini within a few hours of me sending her the pic. I will mostly be using her on the site where we post our flipped math videos, but I wanted to show her off here too! Isn't she adorable?! 

I am so frustrated with PowerPoint right now! My teammate and I made 3 flipped math videos last Friday during our work day. Then PowerPoint started going to a plain white screen with a big red x when I wrote on the screen with the Smart Board markers. It's kind of like the x that shows up in place of missing pictures, but it covers the entire screen. I'll see If I can get it to do it again and post a pic later. Anyone have a clue what's going on or how to fix it?

After 18 months of having an empty dining room, hubs and I are finally buying a dining table! (Long story boy showed up early, a week after we moved in, then hubs deployed, then there was all this furlough and gov't shutdown mess.) Anyway, furniture shopping is always a pain because we never agree. I've narrowed it down to the first 2, but he's still holding out for the 3rd one. (Don't you love the fall decor they have out!)

Head over to Doodle Bugs to link up or to see what everyone else has been up to this week!


  1. I like the top right set. Either way, baby boy will make a mess of the chairs! Make sure to protect them ;)


  2. I'm with Diane, I prefer the top right. :) So, so, so sad to hear about your Smart Board. That is awfully terrible, and I have zero advice for you. Good luck!

    The Brown-Bag Teacher

  3. I like Table Set number 2! I love that you are using Duck Dynasty in your classroom. We have just got caught up with Season 4 the last few nights - It is not huge here in Australia, but I LOVE it!!!! It makes me happy happy happy!

    Teaching Maths with Meaning

  4. My vote is for Set #2! I love it! But I'm sure you'll just be happy to have a table again! I also love your new mini-you! So adorable :)

    Looks like you've had a very productive week!
    My Shoe String Life

  5. Furniture shopping can be so stressful. We just bought a bedroom set and it took us weeks to decide on one. Love your 7 Habits posters!

    Sara :)
    The Colorful Apple

  6. I love your Duck Dynasty rotation board....too cute!!


  7. I really love the chairs on the top right! They look super comfortable. :)

    Forever in Fifth Grade


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