
Sunday, March 2, 2014

March Currently

I can't believe it's already March! This is our short month - three weeks of school, and then Spring Break! I'm linking up for one of my favorite linkys, Farley's Currently!

Listening... My little man surprised his daddy and I today by singing his ABC's! He's still missing a lot of letters, but he's doing pretty well considering we hardly ever sing it to him. I'm a proud mama for sure!

Loving...that I figured out how to put fan freebies on my Facebook page, AND that I had extra time to work on it tonight. explanation needed here, I'm sure. Testing so early is stressful, but once it's over, I'm so happy!

Wanting...I am SO over this cold weather. Tonight, we are down to the low teens with freezing rain/ice until 3am, then snow on top of it. UGH! I am ready for spring!

Needing...Just one more day of the weekend. Our students are off tomorrow due to the weather, but teachers still have to report on a two-hour delay. Fingers are crossed for work time in our rooms! I totally need it!

?????...Brookies. You have to guess the question. Leave your guesses in the comments, and there just might be a reward for you if you're right!

When you're finished guessing and downloading your freebie, head over to Farley's blog to see what everyone else is up to in March!


  1. Oh my, Kristen! My little girl was "singing" her numbers earlier today during lunch!..

    1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10 **huge applause and big grins for getting ... MOST of them**

    He is so handsome!!

  2. Commenting during a commercial of The Walking Dead! LOL

    How cute that your little one is singing his ABC's! Yaya!!

    Mrs. Thigpen's Kindergarten

  3. Your son is really cute! What an awesome surprise with his ABCs. I hope you're able to get a lot of work done today. We had threats of a storm last night, but it turned out to be a light snow and a regular day of school today (thankfully).

    Fit to be Fourth

  4. Hi! I found you on the Tennesse blogger link at fifth in the Middle.

    What a handsome little guy! Enjoy him while he's little. They grow up so fast!

    I enjoyed your "Currently." Are "brookies" a combination of brownies and cookies?


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