
Sunday, May 18, 2014


I'm linking up for a little bit different "Peek at my Week" with Jennifer at Mrs. Laffin's Laughings. I've been hinting for a week or two now that there were some exciting changes coming to my little blog, and I'm finally ready to share the news. So here's a peek at what's happening this week on my blog...

Two of my best teacher friends and I are starting a collaborative teaching blog! (You might remember Juliet from her Mother's Day craft guest post last week!) Over the next week or two, Chalk & Apples will gain two more authors, and will become the Teaching Trio!!! Our URL and name will be changing (, and we will have a brand spankin' new blog design!

How does this change the blog?

It makes it better! I will still be writing about things that are happening in my class, and lessons that go well. My friends will also be posting about what they're doing in their rooms. This means we'll be able to post much more often, and you will get more great classroom ideas, that reach more grade levels!

What about Chalk & Apples on TPT?

The three of us will be maintaining separate TPT stores. So nothing will be changing there, although I did create a shiny new store button and banner yesterday!

What does this mean for you?

Over the next week to week and a half, you will notice some changes happening, the first of which will be the URL change (coming in a couple of days), followed by some layout and design changes.

If you already follow me on Google, you won't have to do a thing. The url of the blog is changing, but you will still be a follower!

If you're a Bloglovin' follower, you're good to go too! The fabulous tech support team will be transferring all of Chalk & Apples' followers over to the Teaching Trio. It is supposed to take a day or two, but you won't miss anything, because we'll wait to post until the new blog design is up and our followers have been transferred.

We will be working hard to correct any broken links here and on Pinterest, but in the meantime, you can follow the Teaching Trio on Pinterest for some awesome pins we've been collecting!

So hang tight, and bear with us as we work through all these changes! I promise, you'll love the new blog, probably more than this one! Plus, there'll be a fabulous giveaway coming as soon as all the dust has settled! Have a great week, everyone!

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