
Friday, June 20, 2014

Five for Friday: Father's Day Fun, Summertime, & Projects

Hi everyone! Today I'm linking  up with Doodlebugs for one of my favorite linkies...Five for Friday! We've been working hard and enjoying some summer fun at the same time. Here's a peek at what's been happening around my house this week...

Sunday was Father's Day, and my husband wanted to take our little man fishing. He just turned 2 in April, so he wasn't very into the actual fishing, but he had fun watching daddy and looking at all the rocks. (Although his new-found love of throwing rocks in the pond probably didn't help the fishing...we didn't catch a thing!)

In a desperate attempt to declutter my jewelry box the entire top of my dresser, which was covered in necklaces, thanks to my addiction, I started scouring Pinterest for ideas. Monday night, I whipped this little beauty up...
I'll tell you all about it in my next Monday Made-it post!

I've been hard at work on my new classroom theme, which I'm calling Perfect Patterns...bright rainbow colors and a variety of fun patterns with chalkboard accents! I am *super excited* about it!
I have a couple of Teacher Toolbox sets already done, one with chalkboards and one with white labels, because I couldn't decide at first.
I am SOOO close to having my Teacher Binder/Planner finished! The creative work is actually done; I just need to finish adding the editable fields in Adobe. It should be uploaded sometime this weekend. Be sure you're following on Instagram, because I will post there, and it will be on sale! I am really excited about this product, and about giving my other two Teacher Binders a fresh, modern look with their updates as well!

This summer has taught me one important thing about my son...he needs his schedule. Several days, I've either kept him home with me or dropped him off at daycare late in the morning so I could go to an appointment...It's never good. So, he's going to be spending the mornings, through nap time, at daycare most days. I'm sad that we aren't getting to do as many fun summer things as I had hoped, but on the plus side, I have plenty of "me time" to work on stuff like ^^that^^. 
Wednesday afternoon, when I picked him up after his nap, I took my little guy to the park, and we discovered what is apparently the only time of day *no one* wants to go! We had the whole place to ourselves for once! It was so much fun, and more relaxed for me since I could really just let him run free! I am organizing my closet because, well...
...THIS! {hangs head in shame} I decided earlier in the week that I needed to get organized. A couple of closet organizers arrived yesterday...Thank you, Amazon Prime...and I am going to be hard at work today getting my shoes and bags organized, and putting away winter clothes. My husband is going to be very happy!

That's about it for my week...Busy, productive, with a little relaxation and fun thrown in! How about you? Pop over to Doodlebugs to link up with what you've been up to this week!


  1. Wait...No MMI next week? I already have my post ready. I went and looked and didn't see that she wasn't having week #4 this coming Monday. I'm glad your little one is having fun throwing the rocks in the water. Maybe he'll be a ball player! Can't wait to see your shoe organizers. I need some new ones!!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

    1. No, MMI is still on. It'll just be either Nikki or Juliet's turn to post :)

  2. Loving that necklace holder frame. I necklaces taking over my dresser top and have no stinkin' idea what to do about it. Perhaps I shall copycat you. Thanks for the cool idea!

    Teaching Powered by Caffeine

  3. Your little guy is adorable. My daughter was the same way; she needed her schedule. Even though she's seventeen, she is still a bear if her schedule is messed with (that might be a girl thing). Anyhoo...I am a new follower and look forward to more posts on organizing and your TpT products!
    Happy Day!
    Sherri C.

  4. I'd love to know what you're using to organize your shoes! My closet floor and actually part of my bedroom floor, is covered with shoes! I'd love to know an organization trick that works.
    Are We There Yet?


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