
Friday, June 27, 2014

Five for Friday-Last June Post

Once again, I am linking up with Doodle Bugs for the awesome Five for Friday linky party! Here is a peek at my week!


My dad and I have a yearly tradition of doing a race together, called the Scavenger Dash. To describe it as best as I can, think Amazing Race, on a much smaller scale. You are given 12 clues/tasks to find or complete. This is the third year my dad and I have been able to do it together. I love this tradition we have together. In July, we are also going to do The Color Run. This will be the first time completing this race and I have heard awesome things about it!

My husband is currently deployed and I found out this weekend that his deployment is being extended. It has been a very long year for us; he has been home only about 3 months. There is light at the end of the tunnel though, this should be his last deployment!

My niece turned 7 this year. We had her birthday party at a pool. My kiddos LOVED it. My son had an absolute blast going down the water slides and my daughter just loved splashing around! The day started off rainy, but by the time we got to the pool, it was a perfect day!

I am patiently waiting to hear if I will be moving from fifth grade to fourth grade. I DO NOT like being in limbo. I am a planner and I would love to start planning curriculum, but for now I am sticking with planning classroom management type stuff. I know that I will be using Class Dojo as a whole class management system. I love it and they have now added a new feature so that multiple teachers can share a classroom. This could really come in handy when the students go to their special/enrichment classes. They can still be held accountable for their behavior in those classes as well. One thing I am going to add to my behavior management system is this form: 

The form is free and can be found at my TPT store Lovely Little Classroom

My sister-in-law and her husband are currently on their way to Germany. Her husband is also in the army and they got stationed there for the next three years. I am very excited for them and I am a little jealous that they get to go on this once in a lifetime adventure. 
My sister-in-law, Mary, and my daughter Elle during our last visit! 


  1. My family and I have always had a tradition of doing races together as well! :) I'm sorry your husband is deployed. I can't imagine how hard that is. My husband has been away for business, and I understand how hard it being at home without him. My hubby was actually in the military before we met, but he got out. My dad was in the Air Force, which was always really hard. I think all military wives are very strong and brave! :)

  2. You have some difficult situations going on in your life right now... between your husband's extended deployment and being in limbo with your grade level next year. :( Your positive attitude is inspiring to me! Hang in there! The Scavenger Dash sounds like soooooo much fun!


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