
Friday, June 6, 2014

Five for Friday! Sweet Summertime!

Hello All! I am very excited to be linking up with Doodle Bugs for this first Five for Friday summer post! I am going to miss all of my kiddos from this year; they were a fantastic group! With that being said, I am so pumped that it is officially summertime! Woo hoo!

Here are a few things that have been happening in my life this week! Some are classroom-related, and some are more personal! Enjoy!

Sweet, sweet summertime! I can not believe I am already finishing up my first week of summer! My husband is currently deployed, so as soon as school got out, the kiddos and I drove 9 hours to IOWA! It has been an exciting, fun filled trip so far! Here are a couple of pictures from this week!

Baby Elle puckering up for a kiss!

I have decided that I wanted to redecorate my classroom for the next school year. I am just ready for a change; I have had the same classroom décor for about two years now. After lots of thought and changing my mind a million times, I think that I have decided on what colors I would like to incorporate. I am in love with the combination of the colors below and chalkboard accents. What do you think?

Over the summer, I will be creating different classroom decorations to go with this color scheme. Be sure to pop over to my TPT store, Lovely Little Classroom, to check out the new decorations!


I have a newly acquired love for kayaking. If you have never been, you should go. I went for the first time this weekend with my sister. It was a very neat experience. Peaceful and thrilling at the same time (if that is at all possible??)
Beautiful, right?

My sister and I!

I have been teaching 5th grade for the past three years and I absolutely love it! As of right now, there is a chance that I may be moved to 4th grade next year because of numbers. I would really like to stay where I am (I love my team!), but I am thinking positive. Whether I teach 4th or 5th grade, I will love my students, teach to the best of my ability and feel blessed to have a job.

I am constantly trying to better myself as a teacher. One area I am going to focus on this upcoming year is missing student work. I would like to have a consistent, organized plan. I have been scouring the web and think I have found something that would work with my teaching style. This idea comes from the fantastic blog of Curls and Smiles. She has some great organizational ideas that make me say, "Why didn't I think of that?" Check it out! What do you do to keep up with missing student work? Feel free to share any ideas!

Have an awesome weekend!


  1. I love your new color scheme! I'm looking forward to seeing pics of the new decor. Four years ago, I switched from fifth grade to fourth. I had the same issue about leaving my wonderful team, but it turned out fourth grade was really my niche. I was lucky to stay in the same hall as my previous teammates, so we still socialize and bounce ideas off each other. Good luck whether you are in fourth or fifth grade next year!

    Fit to be Fourth

    1. Thank you Mary! If I ultimately end up getting switched to fourth grade, I won't have to move classrooms, so I too will still be in the same hallway as my teammates. I have only taught fifth grade, so who knows, fourth could be my niche too! Have a wonderful summer!

  2. The color scheme is fabulous! Can't wait to see what you do with it. I have a friend that just purchased a plastic organization thingie. It has pockets large enough to hold a sheet of paper and enough pockets for every student. She plans to hang it in her room and students will turn their work in by placing it in the pockets. When she goes to collect the papers they will already be in ABC order and she can tell quickly whose paper is missing. Sounds like it might work!?
    Teachers Are Terrific!

    1. Thank you, I am very excited about the colors too! Last year, I did something similar to what your friend did, but I only used it for students to put their incomplete work in. I never thought about using it as a place where they turn in their work! Thanks for the new idea!

  3. I love kayaking and I totally understand what you mean when you say peaceful and thrilling. I just moved to fifth grade this year (from second) and I was so nervous too, but the change is awesome! I have hard time with missing work, thanks for the link!

    Sara :)
    The Colorful Apple

    1. Sarah,
      I never really thought that I would enjoy kayaking as much as I do! When I was first offered the fifth grade position that I am currently in, I was so nervous, scared, petrified...All of my experience was in second grade and below! I am so glad that I have had the opportunity to teach fifth, it definitely brought me out of my comfort zone and has been a wonderful experience!

  4. I'm working on changing my color scheme for next year too. My room is currently teal with some green accents. I think I'm going to bring in some more green for next year, and some yellow and grey accents. I think it will look super awesome! I'll be making some TPT products for it as well. I'm trying to spread the word that I'm trying to start a new weekly linkup called Sell It Saturday. I thought you may be interested in joining. I just did the first post today! I'd love for you to join in!

    Teaching In A Nutshell

    1. Kristin,
      That sounds like a great color scheme! I love the linky idea too! Thanks for the heads up!


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