
Monday, June 16, 2014

It's Monday-What are you Reading?

Happy Monday everyone! I hope you all had a fantastic weekend! Today, I am happy to be linking up with Teach Mentor Texts for What are you Reading Monday?

I am constantly starting new books, so at any given time, I am usually reading three or four books at once. First up, something teacher-related...I am rereading Whole Brain Teaching for Challenging Kids. I read this for the first time last summer and it changed the way I teach. I definitely recommend this book if you haven't read it yet. This book explains the beginnings of Whole Brain Teaching and gives specific step-by-step instructions to implement this system into your class. I have only positive things to say about this approach. My students loved it, I loved it, and it is a lot of fun!

 I am also reading The Fault in our Stars. So far, it is pretty good. I know that there is a movie out, but I really have no desire to see it; maybe when it comes out on dvd. Movies are never as good as the books anyway. I have so many students who do not realize that a lot of their favorite movies were originally books, drives me crazy! But, I digress; that topic is for an entirely different post.

Finally, this one is more for my own pleasure. I am reading The Husband's Secret. I have gotten pretty far into the book, but not far enough to know the "secret" and it is driving me insane! I just want to know so badly what the secret is. I am so pathetic, I even tried to Google it. I stopped short of actually finding out, but I was so close. As you can tell, I don't handle surprises/anticipation very well. Hopefully, it lives up to all that I am imagining in my head!

Both of my kiddos are still sleeping, so I think that I am going to take advantage of this quiet time and read one of these books! Have a good day!


  1. When I read The Husband's Secret, I skipped ahead to find out the secret because it was driving me crazy! It's that awful? I couldn't help it! I hope you enjoy your reading this week.

  2. I have read TFioS 6 times and suprisingly the movie was a great adaptation of it. One of the best movie adaptations I've seen.
    Whole Brain Teaching looks like something I NEED to read. Put it on my TBR.

    Happy reading this week! :)

  3. TFioS was so NOT the book for me. I am glad that teens are flocking to my library desperate for a book, but for me, meh. I did enjoy The Husband's Secret. It's been a while, but I seem to remember being surprised by the secret! Have a great week. ~Megan

  4. I need to read more about whole brain teaching. Thank you for the recommendation.

    Fit to be Fourth

  5. I've read the first two . . . very good! And, I plan on implementing a lot of WBT strategies next year. I love the oral writing and the genius ladder! As for the last book, I've been seeing it a lot around blog land. I'll have to read it next!

    What I Have Learned

  6. Hi there Nikki - I know I should read the novel first before I watch the film. :) Sounds like a real tear-jerker though, I hope you enjoy the book!


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