
Friday, July 18, 2014

Five for Friday-July 18, 2014

 It's FRIDAY! Woo Hoo! Today I am linking up with Doodle Bugs for her awesome weekly linky party!
I have been sort of absent from all things blogging/teacher related this week. It has been a crazy, week for me. So here are some random things from this week to fill you in! 

I am still in Iowa visiting family, because my husband's deployment was extended. My sister and I decided to have some fun and go to World's of Fun in Kansas City. It was just the two of us and we had an amazing time. I am a big fan of roller coasters, so we made sure we hit up the biggest ones! 
Waiting to get on our first roller coaster of the day!

One of the scariest moments of my life happened this week. I have a very mobile, curious 14 month old. She gets into EVERYTHING. She doesn't sit still, she gets into places she shouldn't, she climbs, and climbs. Well, somehow she got a hold of a bottle of Unisom (it is a sleep aid). It obviously has a child-safe cap, but being the little girl she is, she managed to get it open and swallowed some (still not sure of the amount). This all happened in the span of about one minute when I was getting her brother's lunch set out for him. Terrifying. We rushed her to the Children's Hospital and she was admitted. I won't go into details of what I experienced with her, but I don't wish that on anyone. It was so scary. Please be mindful of where your (or anyone's) medication is, because little ones are like magicians when they want something. I am happy to report that she is back to her happy, inquisitive, busy little self. Thank God. 

Elle in the hospital. 

Back to her happy self! Precious girl!

I started reading The Book Whisperer this week. I have heard wonderful things about it. I will be sure to report my findings when I finish. 

On Sunday, my kids and I will be leaving Iowa after a month and a half. It will be back to reality for me. Sad to be leaving my family, but I am very excited to really start preparing for the upcoming school year. I have SO MUCH to do!

I am pretty sure that I will be moving to fourth grade this year. I haven't heard anything definite, but considering the numbers in fourth and fifth grade, it is looking likely that I will be moving. I will be so sad to leave my team; they are the best. On a positive note, I get to stay in my room and it really won't be a drastic change. 


  1. I live in Iowa :) The past month and a half of weather has been crazy!! Safe travels!

    1. Oh, and glad your little one is okay! That must have been so scary :(

  2. So glad your little girl is okay! That sounds so scary!!

    Good luck in fourth (if you get moved). I've bounced back and forth between fourth and fifth about a million times, so I know how it feels!

    Trials and Triumphs

  3. I love Worlds of Fun! I used to go when I would visit my aunt. It's been forever since I've been though. So glad your little on is okay.
    Simple Insights

  4. So glad your little girl is okay!!! Scary! I'm also glad you got to spend such a long time with your family!!!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  5. I am so happy to hear that your daughter is okay! She is absolutely adorable, and she looks like such a happy baby! I'm glad you were able to spend some quality time with your family. That is so important!

    Fit to be Fourth

  6. Thankful your little girl is okay.. Juliets Mom

  7. I'm glad your daughter is fine. That is scary. The Book Whisperer and Reading in the Wild are amazing reads. It will change your teaching.


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