
Friday, July 4, 2014

Five For Friday! Plus a Free Font!

Today we are linking up with Doodlebugs Teaching for the 5 for Friday Linky!  One of our favorites!  We are also linking up with The Teaching Tribune for Free Font Friday!

My lovely daughter and I had a movie day.  We went and saw X-men Days of Future Past.  I love that my kiddos are now old enough to go rock out with the action movies with me.  Believe me when I say that I "have done my time"  with the cartoons and now really, REALLY, enjoy sitting next to my children in movies I love too.  And, yes, I, am the kind of gal that loves her sci-fi action. If you liked the other X-men movies, there is no reason why you won't like this one.  Oh, and by the way, Hugh Jackman, wow...I am just sayin....worth the price of the ticket....

When you sign your son up for soccer at 4 years of age and he plays soccer, well, forever, you BECOME a soccer mom.  You embrace a sport you may have never known.  You may not know anything about soccer when you start, and I do mean anything, but over the years, you learn.  You learn positions such as midfield and striker, what yellow and red cards are, what off-sides and set plays are, and what an own goal is.  Terms such as dribbling, hat tricks, juggling, crosses, and penalties take on new meanings for soccer moms.  You learn cheers such as, "Great Header!" "Attack!" "Defend!" "Pressure!" "Offsides!".  Most importantly you learn about the World Cup and how to watch  enjoy watching the matches with your son.  For 1 month every 4 years ESPN becomes your best friend.  Okay, we lost, but we fought valiantly AND escaped the claws of the the group of death.

Going to Missouri to visit my mom, dad, and sister!  I grew up in Southeast Missouri in the small town of Jackson.  Can't wait!

My favorite place to eat is a super small and is unique to the town.  It's a barbecue place called Wib's.  It started as a Jackson tradition way back in the 1940's.  My kids and I go there sometimes before we even go to my mom's.  Shhh. Don't tell.

This is the view from the front porch of my mom and dad's house.  Perfect peace for me every time.  And perfect weather: Sunny and 75!

The 4th of July!

July 4th means so much to the Teaching Trio!  Each of our children have a father who has served in the Army, who has laid his life on the line for our country, and who has left their families behind for multiple deployments to ensure that our independence and freedoms continue.  We are also 3 teachers who teach on a military installation to military dependents.  Our students deal with deployments, PTSD, moving, separations from family, and so much more.  We are 3 women who do not take our independence in our great nation for granted.  We know what is given daily to protect what we have in the United States of America!

Happy Independence Day!

We're also linking up with The Teaching Tribune for another Free Font Friday! 

Kristen has been making fonts all week, and wants to share this one with you as a flash freebie! This one is not normally free, so grab it over the's back to being a paid font on Monday morning!

Thank you Kristen for the free font!  Have a great holiday weekend!


  1. What a cute font! Thanks so much for sharing.


  2. My kids are old enough now we don't have to see all the cartoons anymore too! Last week it was Transformers and today my oldest and I are going to 22 Jump Street. It's pretty cool when your 19 year old still want to hang out with mom. The view from your parent's house looks so beautiful and peaceful. I too am so grateful for those who sacrifice for us to be free! Thanks for the super cute font! Have a wonderful 4th of July!

    Luv My Kinders

  3. I am from Central Missouri but have never been to Jackson - will have to check out the restaurant if we get there sometime. I'm from a small town too!


  4. I loved the new X-Men movie. We went and the the new Transformers's awesome too!


  5. Enjoy your visit with your parents, the great weather, and the ribs! Thank you for the font. I downloaded it, and I will use it soon! Happy Fourth!

    Fit to be Fourth

  6. So proud of Juliet. Always knew she would write along with teach. Enjoyed her visit wish they could come more.
    Juliets Mom


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