
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

July Currently

It is so hard to believe it is July already! Where has the summer gone!? Today I am linking up with Farley at 'Oh Boy 4th Grade for her fantastic Currently. Here is what is going on in my life...

Listening: Trying to keep Halen quiet while his sister is sleeping is easier said than done. We are staying at my parent's house while we are in Iowa and their house isn't very big. Elle is a very light sleeper. This combination can make nap time a little rough and hard to come by. Keep your fingers crossed for me. 

Loving: I am from a really small town in Iowa. One of the big events of the year is the Farmer's Merchant Picnic. It is three fun-filled days of activities, with the most exciting part being the carnival. My son is old enough now that he loves riding all of the rides...I mean all.  Thank goodness my sister-in-law likes rides that spin and can take him on those...I can't do anything that spins...even a little bit. 
Halen with his cousin Kimber on the left. 
Thinking: I hate that my husband is deployed, but I am so happy that he has a cell phone that he can use to text me. We are using the app WhatsApp and it is great! If you are going to be traveling abroad or someone you know is, this is the app that you NEED to get. It is free (for the first year and then $0.99 per year after that) and it uses your data, so it doesn't cut into your monthly text allotment. I am able to send/receive pictures and videos and it is just like texting. Even though he is thousands of miles away and deployed, I can reach him at a moments notice. It is pretty cool.

Wanting: I am patiently waiting for my Stitch Fix package to arrive. If you have no idea what I am talking about, check out the website and you can thank me later. I love, love, love it!

Needing: The end of summer is fast approaching and I need to laminate a ton of decorations for my room. 

4th Plans: I am going to go camping with my family and I am so excited about it. I typically am not a camper, but I am making an exception for this weekend. My family owns some land in the middle of nowhere (Iowa, remember?) and on the land there is an old bus that has been converted into a camper. There is a pond for fishing and tons of room for running and playing. 


  1. I can't imagine how hard it must be have your husband deployed. Thank you to your whole family for allowing him to serve our country. Thank you to him for being willing to do it! Also, you are hilarious! I laughed quite a few times while reading your post, especially the part about camping in the middle of nowhere (Iowa, remember) ! I live in WI, so I get it! :) Have a wonderful time camping!
    A New Day of Learning

  2. Are you going to post about your StitchFix package? I love reading those posts! I received one previously, but never posted about it. I can't wait until I can afford another!!

    Beyond The Gradebook

  3. I love WhatsApp! One of my good friends and her husband just got stationed in Okinawa so we both downloaded the app. It's been great getting to text her even though as of last week, she lives in Japan :)

    Surprisingly Seventh

  4. I think our military should be able to text, Skype, communicate with loved ones however they want for free. It's very LEAST we can do for those who lay their lives on the line to protect our country. You guys should never have to pay for that. Honestly, the govt. should do whatever they can to make your lives easier.
    Sorry, didn't mean to climb on my soapbox....a HUGE thank you to your hubby and family for your service and sacrifice. : ) Happy 4th of July!

    Teaching Powered by Caffeine

  5. Just found your blog, and I am also from a small town in northwest Iowa. I do not have a blog...but wondering where you are from in Iowa? Tell your husband thanks for serving our enjoy camping this weekend...and enjoy the holiday!


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