
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Tech Thursday: Brain Breaks with GoNoodle

Technology Thursday is a weekly linky dedicated to all things technology related. Share reviews of websites or apps you've tried, tech tips that make your {teaching or personal} life easier, and helpful tutorials. Our hope is that this linky provides a place for teachers to share and learn new ways to use technology and engage students!

Be a rule follower!
Rule #1: You must include the image above and a link to our linky somewhere in your blog post.
Rule #2: Follow the Rule of Three...visit the two blogs who link up before you and the one immediately after you and leave some love on their pages!
Rule #3: This linky is not intended for product promotion. You may include products you've created in your posts, but they should not be the sole focus of the post. {Exception...freebies...because everybody loves a good freebie!}

Do you GoNoodle yet?

The Teaching Trio does! In fact all three of us love using GoNoodle in our classrooms!

GoNoodle is a free site (although there is a Plus membership available) filled with fun Brain Break videos and activities for your class! I use the shorter videos as brain breaks during the day, and the longer ones as a reward at the end of the day for whole class behavior. If students "win" our Teacher vs. Student game for the day, they get to pick a GoNoodle video to do. Here are some of their favorites: 

Hurdles - students practice running and jumping in this and a variety of other track & field events.

Maximo - funniest yoga instructor ever! He has my whole class cracking up while we stretch.

Zumba - This is a scene from "I Like to Move It," but my class has loved all of these.

One of their favorite things about GoNoodle is that the longer we play, the more our Champ grows and changes! They love to see him go into the "Transmogrifier" and come out with extra arms and bigger muscles!

What kind of brain breaks do you use in your class? Is GoNoodle part of your routine?

Don't forget to link up your Tech Tips, App & Website recommendations!



  1. I have been thinking a lot about Go Noodle this summer and am wondering if you have the paid membership or not? Is there enough with the free version? If you do have the paid version do you have it school wide or in your classroom only? Thanks!

  2. I love Go Noodle! My Kindergarten students enjoyed it last year and I hope my 2nd graders enjoy it this year!

    I have never had the paid membership, although I've considered it. I found there was plenty to do with the free version!

    Primary on the Prowl


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