
Monday, September 1, 2014


It's that time again...

It's hard to believe we've already been in school a month, and that September is already here!

Listening... My little man's favorite thing to do lately is play the drums (with wooden spoons, of course) and sing his favorite worship song. Even though I've heard it a zillion times now, I love it! I love that he's so musical and that he chooses to sing worship music.

Loving... At the urging of my dear friend, Juliet, I decided to dip my toes into blog designing. I have to say, I am loving it! I've completed three blogs so far (Chalk & Apples, Tech Crazy Teacher, and The Watering Hole). I am working on two more right now, including a major facelift for the Teaching Trio! If you look for it, you can find a sneak peek of the new Teaching Trio look over at Chalk & Apples or Tech Crazy Teacher (check the sidebar!).

Thinking... I am feeling very blessed these days. Hubby had to be away for a month, and he came home Saturday! I somehow made it through the first month of school while he was away. We had our fourth anniversary last month, and I have a birthday coming up this week. Since we were apart on our anniversary, we will have a dual celebration this coming weekend. Life is good!

Wanting... Little man and I got to visit my family this summer, and I went to the fabulous TPT conference in Vegas, but Hubby wasn't able to get any time off, so we haven't had a family vacay at all this year. I'm hoping he can take some leave during our Fall Break and we can do a little family getaway!

Needing... I feel like this is always the thing I need to do on weekends. One day I will get ahead on my lesson planning... but not today!

3 Trips... I have always wanted to take a trip all over Europe. I'm gonna need to take the entire summer to do everything I want to, though! Islands - all of them. I've been to Jamaica 4 times, but there are so many other wonderful island destinations I want to try. Grand Canyon - I've never been, and I really want to. Maybe next year around the TPT conference assuming it's in Vegas again!

That's me this month... to see what everyone else is up to, check out Farley's fabulous Currently linky!


  1. Good for you getting in to blog design! I would have NO clue where to start :) Have a great labor day!
    Kickin' it in Kindergarten

  2. I'm impressed that you know how to design blogs. I feel lucky just to know how to blog!
    Any island with a decent beach would be a fabulous choice to visit! If you figure out how to not bring home school work over the weekend let me know. I'll take any tip I can get!


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