
Sunday, September 14, 2014

Sunday Scoop - 9/14/14

The Sunday Scoop is based on the popular 3-2-1 graphic organizers so many of us use with our students. Tell us three things you HAVE to do, two things you HOPE to do, and one thing you're HAPPY to do (because these days, we could all use a little motivation to find something to be happy about every week!). It's a short and sweet way to connect with each other every Sunday (or Monday... the linky will stay open all week!)
Here's what to do:
1. Just save the image above, add your text to it (we use PowerPoint), and post! You don't even have to explain yourself any further if you don't want to.
2. Include the button above and a link to our  blog on your post.
2. Link our post up here on Sunday morning (or whenever :) )
3. Be a good blog reader, and leave some love for the two posts before yours!

Here's the Scoop on my week...

My have to do's always seem to be the same on Sundays! Lesson plans, grading papers, and laundry. Last week's Sunday Scoop linky made me feel much better though, since I learned that a lot of you have the same to-do list I do!

I hope to finish my second Morphology unit this week (or next week, it will be moving up to the "have to" section!). I'm also really hoping to read a chapter of Proverbs a day in preparation for my small group Tuesday night.

I am VERY happy to be going to a Gamecock football game on Saturday! The military has moved me far from the home team, but luckily, they play Vanderbilt (an hour away) every year. So every other year, it's in Nashville, and I get a chance to see them!

What's going on this week in your life? Link up your own Sunday Scoop below!


    An InLinkz Link-up


  1. Your week sounds like mine..laundry and plans :)
    Enjoy the football game!

  2. There's a load in the laundry as I type! :) Good luck on accomplishing your reading goal, have fun at the football game and thanks for hosting the link up! It's my first time linking up on your blog.
    Literacy Loving Gals

  3. Laundry... it's never really done, is it!? Enjoy the football game! Hopefully you'll have nice weather!

  4. I think everyone needs to do laundry! I hate doing laundry...
    Enjoy your day

  5. Do our lesson plans ever end!?! I feel like that is ALWAYS on my must do!! Enjoy Proverbs!! I am starting a new bible study tomorrow night, but we haven't decided what we are going to study yet!!

    Mrs. 3rd Grade 

  6. Your blog is so cute! I don't think I have ever been to your blog and am so glad I stumbled upon it!!!! Maybe I will even make it to the linky party!
    Chickadee Jubilee

  7. Haha...yes I laughed at everyone having laundry and some form of school work on their list. Great minds all think alike I guess. Proverbs is one of my favorites. I need to get back into a regular reading schedule with my bible. Have a great time at the football game!

    Luv My Kinders

  8. I don't mind doing the laundry at all, but I put off cleaning the house as much as possible! There are so many more interesting things to do!

    Thanks for the linky!

    - Lucy

  9. From this linky I have learned that I am not the only one who puts off doing laundry!

  10. I am so glad I found your blog.. And you are a fellow Gamecock fan! Whew! I was just telling my husband how the laundry is never ending (especially when you have a 2 year old :) ). Thanks for sharing the linky!!

    Chelsey at The Wild West

  11. I just wanted to say THANK YOU, again, because having this linky that's quick and fun on Sunday sets me up for a productive week of blogging! Thanks for kicking off the week in a great way!
    It's Elementary, My Dear!


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