
Thursday, October 16, 2014

Tech Thursday: Multiplication App

Technology Thursday is a weekly linky dedicated to all things technology related. Share reviews of websites or apps you've tried, tech tips that make your {teaching or personal} life easier, and helpful tutorials. Our hope is that this linky provides a place for teachers to share and learn new ways to use technology and engage students!

Be a rule follower!
Rule #1: Include the image above and a link to our blog somewhere in your post.
Rule #2: Be a good blog reader...visit the two blogs who link up before you and leave some love on their pages!
Rule #3: This linky is not intended for product promotion. You may include products you've created in your posts, but they should not be the sole focus of the post.

This week, we are sharing apps. Just tell what it is, why your students love it, and why YOU love it! I want to share an app my students are crazy about...

What is it? Sushi Monster is a  free iPad app from Scholastic. It provides fast-paced practice for addition and multiplication facts.

Students choose addition or multiplication from the home screen. For both operations, students receive a set of target numbers (sums or products) and several numbered sushi pieces. The goal is to feed the Sushi Monster with numbers that make the sum or product he is asking for. when you choose the correct pair, he gobbles up the sushi.

Why my students love it: I'm guessing it's the music and the silly monster gobbling up the sushi!

Why I love it: It's backwards from what most multiplication apps do... This one starts with the product and asks students to choose two factors rather than providing the factors and asking for a product. The game also gets progressively harder, and includes multiplying by multiples of 10 (6x120=720,  for example). Best of all, it's FREE!

What apps are you using in  your class? Link up and share some with us!


    An InLinkz Link-up


  1. This app looks great. I have a few far above average students that this will work great for keeping them moving forward on their addition.

    Luv My Kinders

  2. Hi,
    I nominated this blog for the Liebster Award. Please log on to my blog to see how to accept it. =)

    A LoveLi Class

  3. My kids just showed me this app this week!! They LOVE it & it's so great to reinforce math facts! Thanks! I'm happy to find this Linky; do you know what topics are the focus of upcoming Thursdays (so I can plan?); would love to link up! Thanks!!

  4. Juliet will this work for the nephews? Mom

  5. I love Sushi Monster! Besides being a wonderful way to practice multiplication, I too love the wacky sushi theme!


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