
Sunday, November 30, 2014

Sunday Scoop {11.30.14}

The Sunday Scoop is based on the popular 3-2-1 graphic organizers so many of us use with our students. Tell us three things you HAVE to do, two things you HOPE to do, and one thing you're HAPPY to do (because these days, we could all use a little motivation to find something to be happy about every week!). It's a short and sweet way to connect with each other every Sunday (or Monday... the linky will stay open all week!)
Here's what to do:
1. Just save the image above, add your text to it (we use PowerPoint), and post! You don't even have to explain yourself any further if you don't want to.
2. Include the button above and a link to our  blog on your post.
3. Link our post up here on Sunday morning (or whenever :) )
4. Be a good blog reader, and leave some love for the two posts before yours!

Here's the Scoop on my week...
3 things I have to do...
1. I have my first observation of the year on Tuesday. I am pretty much all organized and ready. Just a few last minute changes today (I always second guess myself and change a few days before) means I need to make some copies and organize so everything will go *hopefully* perfect.

2. I have a few products in the works that I really really really want to get posted before the big sale on Monday and Tuesday. All of my store will be 20% off plus you can get an additional 8% by entering the promo code TPTCYBER. 

3. Yep. Start planning for January. This will be MAJOR for me in the next few weeks. My husband and I have a wedding to attend at the end of December and I have made the decision to leave my classroom on December 23rd and not return until January 5th. I will hopefully not need to go to the school at all over holiday break- which means I need to get my ducks in a row before then! 

2 things I hope to do...
1. Now that Thanksgiving has passed, it is time to get the tree and decorations up. I love the holiday season and the hubs doesn't. Today I was jamming out to Christmas music and he cranked up his music in the other room. It is a love/hate relationship for one month. :)

2. We have snow... my are very low to the ground. This means that their bellies and legs get wet every time they go outside which for these two... is constant. They love to play and roll wrestle with each other in the fresh snow. They come inside wet and stinky. 

1 thing I'm happy to do...
1. With him coaching and me spending hours on end at the school... we haven't had the best schedule match. Today will be the first day in about 2 weeks that we actually have the entire day together without something planned for one of us.

Link up below with your Sunday Scoop!! :) Can't wait to hear all about your day/week!


  1. Wow! You have a busy day today! Good luck with your observation this week. I am sure you will be great! Enjoy the time with your husband today.

    Fit to be Fourth

  2. Enjoy the time with your husband. I know how special those times are. My husband only has 1 weekend off every 6 weeks so those are special weekends for us too! Good luck on your observation. Good for you on your decision to leave and let it be until January. You'll get everything ready and be able to really enjoy your break. Happy decorating! Planning on doing the same today. :)

  3. I'm seeing a lot of trends in this week's Sunday Scoop- everyone has to decorate! But where do we find the time!? ;) Have a great week!


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