
Sunday, February 22, 2015

Sunday Scoop {2.22.15}

The Sunday Scoop is based on the popular 3-2-1 graphic organizers so many of us use with our students. Tell us three things you HAVE to do, two things you HOPE to do, and one thing you're HAPPY to do. If this is your first time linking up, check out our Linky Parties page for details!
Here's the Scoop on my week...
If you don't already know... I am in Atlanta right now for the EdExpo. I flew in on Friday evening and {the absolutely wonderful} Kristen picked me up from the airport. We have never "officially" met before! So exciting! Yesterday we went on a fun "Walking Dead Tour" outside of Atlanta with another blogger and we had so much fun! Today we will be walking the exhibit hall, looking for what products we absolutely love. Tomorrow I travel home. I fly out in the late afternoon, but have a long layover in Minneapolis, so I won't actually be getting home until almost midnight. Tonight I hope to get a good night sleep so that I am ready to teach on Tuesday. I know I won't sleep at all tomorrow night... I need to get some cuddles in with the pups. :) I leave you with this photo... we may have had a "little" bit of fun while we were on the tour.


  1. Soooo jealous... Love TWD!!!
    Safe trip home!


  2. What fun! It's such a blast to meet up with online friends, isn't it? Safe travels!


  3. Sounds like SO much FUN!!! Get home safely and enjoy those cuddles! :)
    180 Days and Counting

  4. That sounds like a great time. Have fun and get home safely!!!

    The Dots of Teaching

  5. Looks like lots of fun! My friend here on the island is leaving this next week. She and her family are moving to the town where the Walking Dead is filmed. Senoya?? I don't know how it's spelled. Have fun shopping!
    Joya :)

  6. Love that photo! Enjoy your final day in Atlanta! I can't wait to hear about the fabulous products that you discover and al the fun that you girls have!

    Mrs O Knows

  7. Wow! What an exciting weekend! You must have been so excited to meet Kristen!! Have a great last week of February!!!
    Grade 4 Buzz

  8. Sounds (and looks!) like you two had an amazing time! Meeting online friends in person is such a fun pen pals for grownups :) Enjoy the rest of your time in Atlanta!

  9. Thank you so much for the email with links to the directions on how to link up. I figured out how save my scoop as a picture using PPoint. I still think I did the button wrong. I'm going to look on YouTube for some help. I also think I switched my settings to not being a no-reply blogger. Hopefully it works this time. :)

  10. So so so jealous of the Walking Dead......Wish I was there...

    1. I totally wish that you would have been able to come too Juliet! The weekend was not complete without you!!!

  11. LOVE The Walking Dead! Jealous.
    Deniece, This Little PIggy Reads

  12. What a fun trip! I hope you all had a great time. :)


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