
Sunday, December 27, 2015

Sunday Scoop {12/27/15}

The Sunday Scoop is based on the popular 3-2-1 graphic organizers so many of us use with our students. Tell us three things you HAVE to do, two things you HOPE to do, and one thing you're HAPPY to do. If this is your first time linking up, check out all the details on our Sunday Scoop page, then link up below!

Here's the Scoop on my week...

What do you do to close out the year?

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  1. I was never much of a television watcher, and then along came Netflix. I have become a binge watcher. I thoroughly enjoy no commercials and selecting just what I want to watch! Enjoy your break; I certainly am enjoying mine!

    Happy New Year,

  2. I also found Jessica Jones on Netflix! I'm slowly working my way through all the Marvel t.v. shows! Enjoy the rest of your break. Happy Goal Setting!


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