
Sunday, September 15, 2013

A Peek at my Week and Saturday Snapshots

I'm linking up twice again today. I'm a day late for Saturday Snapshots (but these were taken Saturday, so it counts, right?) and barely making it for A Peek at My Week. My in-laws are in town, so I've been trying not to be on the computer too much. Easier said than done when  you're in grad school full time!

The week ahead is going to be great! We are starting our European Explorers unit, and my teammate found this amazing unit on TPT that *perfectly* matches our standards, and includes everything we could ever need! We're kicking it off tomorrow with a "Search for Gold" (coins) on the playground, if the weather stays nice. After that, we will be making Explorer Journals to keep up with all of the great things we'll be learning.

In Math, we're starting the multiplication chapter, which is usually pretty dull, but I've found some fun resources to incorporate. I'm "training" my kiddos on how to watch learning videos and complete their note-taking sheet for them so that we can *hopefully* start flipping our math class at the beginning of the next chapter. It's something new for me, too, so I'm a little nervous! If you're thinking about flipping, check out Katie Gimbar's YouTube videos.  They've been really helpful in getting started!

In last Sunday's Peek at My Week, I mentioned taking my little man to the zoo this weekend while his grandparents were here. The weather was amazing (75 and sunny!) and we had a great time! We only did half of it before nap time, so we'll definitely be planning another trip. I'll leave you with some pics of my little cutie pie enjoying the animals!

The first place we stopped...he was super excited about these gorgeous birds! I can't remember what they are now...Anyone?

Walkin with Mimi and Mama! I love this pic!
 The new kangaroo exhibit is amazing! You get to walk down a path right beside them, no fences or anything between you and the animals. Sometimes they even come up to you! You can pet them, too, but we didn't wait in the line. Maybe when Little Man is a little older!

 He loved this little bubble that we crawled into to get up close and personal with the meerkats! I was amazed at how close they came to the glass. You can't tell in the picture because of the tree, but there were at least 8-10 of them right around it!

Hope everyone has a wonderful week!


  1. Love all of your zoo photos. I love it when the weather is nice. Those meerkats looks so precious. Thanks for linking up this week.

  2. I love going to the zoo! That's one of the things I miss the most since my kids are in high school now and "too cool" to go to the zoo with mom!

    So glad you could link up again! Have a great week!!



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