
Saturday, September 14, 2013

Budding Blog Linky

I'm linking up with Jess at I {heart} Recess for her Budding Blogger Linky. It's for blogs with less than 200 followers.
1. I've been blog stalking for a while now, and getting amazing classroom ideas from all of you! I started blogging this summer because I wanted a place to share what's going on in my classroom, and hopefully collaborate with my fellow bloggers.

2. My favorite subjects to teach are Science and Reading. Science because it's so easy to get the kids to really engage. I love seeing them get excited about what we're doing! I love teaching Reading purely for personal reasons. I love to read, so I want my kids to love it too.

3. I am a sixth year teacher, and my teaching style has been constantly evolving. I feel like in the last two years I am finally starting to settle into my own style. I try to come up with ways to engage all of my students (Reading Teach Like a Pirate is helping in that area!), and this year, I am focusing a lot on community building. I'm going to try flipping my math class, so I'm sure that will require some big changes to my teaching style!

4. Three interesting facts about me...I sang in my college choir every semester until student teaching. I used to love scrapbooking, but I never have time anymore. Now I use those skills for TPT products. I learned to water ski the summer before I turned 3. I was so small, my parents had to put tennis shoes inside the ski boots so they would fit!

5. Gladly! My TPT store can be found here :)


  1. I found your blog through the linky! Oh my goodness, that's crazy that you learned to water ski before you were 3! I look forward to following your school year!

    The Journey of a Beginning Teacher

  2. I never could get up without falling when waterskiing. That's impressive!
    Grade 4 Buzz

  3. Your post just made me go get Teach Like A Pirate... thanks for the tip! I'm considering flipping my math class too but I don't even know where to begin!

    Have a great week Kristen!

    Floating Through Fifth

  4. Hi Kristen!
    I love that you can use your scrapbooking skills on your TpT products. What programs do you use to create? So glad I found your blog through the Budding Blog linky and am your newest follower. Make sure to check out my blog if you get a chance. I'm doing a giveaway this week!
    Melissa Cloud
    A Teaspoon of Teaching


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