
Sunday, September 8, 2013

A Peek at My Week

I'm linking up with Mrs. Laffin's Laughings for the first time for her "A Peek at My Week" linky!

We've been back at school for a whole month now, and this week, I am wrapping up my first real "week" of Daily 5/Reading Groups. (I do a 6 day rotation instead of just using the Monday-Friday week.) All of our practice clearly paid off, because my kiddos did a fantastic job of rotating through all of their activities without interrupting my groups! Check out a few of my kiddos doing Read to Someone...I love that they still segregate themselves into boy or girl pairs! That won't last long!


I had trouble finding activities appropriate for 5th graders for Word Work, so I made my own. There are only 7 activities right now, but I will be adding moe throughout the year as we add more activities to our Vocabulary Journals. I am in LOVE with the way they turned out using the cute backgrounds, buntings, and frames from Erin at I'm Lovin Lit!

You can grab a copy in my TPT store for only $2 OR you can Pin it to Win it! Just paste the URL of your pin into a comment, and I will use to choose a winner on Wednesday morning! Be sure you aren't a "no-reply blogger" so I will be able to email the file to you!

Outside of school, my LifeGroup from my church is starting a Bible study on James on Tuesday that I am really looking forward to. Then, on Friday, my in-laws are coming for a long weekend visit. If the forecast stays like it is, the plan is to take little man on his first trip to the zoo on Saturday!

I hope all of you have a wonderful week!


  1. I could really, really use this!

  2. YAY!! Celebrations that your kids are moving through workshop rotations well. Good for you!!!

    Thanks for linking up! I hope to see you back again next Sunday so we can hear about the zoo. :v)

    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings

  3. Always looking for more ideas for Word Work for my 5th graders!


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