
Friday, September 13, 2013

Five for Friday & Freebie Friday in one!

I'm linking up twice in one post today, with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday, and with Teaching Blog Addict for Freebie Friday!

I'm starting with a teacher funny because we all need a laugh sometimes! We've been working on physical and chemical changes in Science, and as an activity to demonstrate chemical change, we made root beer floats. The kids had all seen the root beer in the room, so they knew something was up. When I finally told them what we were making, one of my little guys threw his hands up in the air, and shouted, church-lady style, "hallelujah!" It was the funniest thing I've had a kid do in a while! I wish I had video to share with you!

Speaking of our matter unit, I have been using Nicole Shelby's States of Matter Unit from TPT, and I cannot say enough about how great it has been.My kids absolutely loved all of the experiments that we have done. I added a few of my favorite past activities, but this unit really does cover it all! I wish I had pictures, but the camera I used died on me, and it's a Sony, so I can't just plug the card into the computer :(

After seeing Farley's interactive door on Monday made it, I couldn't wait to make one of my own. Thanks to Amazon 2 day shipping, I got mine all put together yesterday! I think it is so cute, and the kids love getting to write on it. I started with something just for fun and asked about their favorite TV show.
(How cute is it that they love Full House!)

We started our Interactive Reading Noteboks last week, and everyone is loving it - teachers and students! We're using lots of resources from Erin at I'm Lovin' Lit and Nicole Shelby, and they are all so great! I spent last weekend organizing all of the awesome TPT products I've printed out by skill and standard. Fortunately, these wonderful ladies did most of the work for me, so I just had to combine the products. I feel so organized now!

And finally, telling time usually isn't a big deal by fifth grade, but this year, I have several inclusion students. Since some of them have telling time on an analog clock as one of their goals, I made some clock labels to match my classroom theme. I'm sharing them with you as a not-so-flash freebie. They'll be free all weekend! Click the picture below to be taken to my TPT store to download them!

Hope everyone else's week has been as great as mine! We have family in town tonight and are off to the zoo with them tomorrow!


  1. I love your interactive door.
    Those foldables from Lovin' Lit are awesome!

    Have a great weekend!

    Fit to be Fourth
    Follow me on Bloglovin

  2. Thank you for the clock labels! They will definitely come in handy!
    Grade 4 Buzz

  3. I have labels similar to those around my clock because many of my fifth graders can't tell time. Sad!

    Fifth in the Middle


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