
Friday, May 30, 2014

Five for Friday, a Flash Freebie, + Giveaway winner!

Hi everyone! I am beyond thrilled to be linking up with Doodlebugs for this Five-for-the-last-Friday-of-school post! As much as I love my job, and love my students, I am always ready for summer "break" - you know, so I can start prepping for next year!

We have had a lot of fun this week, and are ending the year on a great note! Here's a peek at what happened in my class this week...
Tuesday was "Water Fun Day" in fifth grade! Nikki & I took our classes outside for the entire afternoon to play water games. It was a little crazy, but a lot of fun! Here are the highlights:  
"SpongeBob" relay with a car wash sponge
Water balloon toss
Water bucket relay
Back-to-back water balloon relay - boys vs. girls - Yep, even the teachers got involved!

On Wednesday, we spent almost all day working on awards for each other using this great craftivity from Deb at Crafting Connections
Students drew a classmate's name, brainstormed, and then created their own unique award for that student. Then, we put out clouds for each student, and wrote compliments on them. 
They didn't quite finish on Wednesday, so on Thursday morning, they finished the awards and then presented them to each other. I was so proud of their creativity and thoughtfulness! 
Thursday was Year End Cleaning Day! While some of my students felt like it was forced labor, most of them loved helping clean up the room (especially the ones who got to clean the sharpie off of name tags and clean the white boards!). I wanted something to help organize the chaos of year-end cleaning, so I created these Classroom Cleaning Task Cards with tasks for the end of the year and for daily clean-up. They are a FLASH FREEBIE for today only (or until I remember to change it on Saturday!), so head over to my store to download your copy. Don't forget to leave feedback :) 

Today is it. The last day. We are celebrating our fifth graders' end of elementary school in a big way! A surprise barbecue, a very special awards ceremony, and a bubble parade through the school where the lower grades will cheer them on to middle school. Keep an eye on our Instagram for pics this weekend!
I have been blessed to have some of the sweetest families this year. From Teacher Appreciation Day until now, I have received so many thoughtful cards, gifts, and flowers from my students. It makes this teacher's heart happy to know that parents appreciate what we do! Here's a peek at some of the goodies...
Origami Owl, Yankee Candle, candy, poems, flowers...WOW! These are some sweet kids!

Giveaway Winner...

Congratulations, Andrea! We will email you later today. Hope you enjoy your prizes! 

One more day of report cards and cleaning, and I am *FREEEE* for the summer!!! Have a great weekend, everyone! 


  1. Thanks for the freebie! It is fabulous. Your water day looked like fun!! I will have to keep that in mind for next year. Thanks for sharing.

    Funky in Fourth

  2. Happy Summer! What a fun/crazy week!

  3. I have a friend that did something similar with awards. Each student designed an award for another. It had to be positive and they mostly nailed it! They had fun! Looks like your water events were great, too! Couldn't help but notice that I have that same charm necklace with an apple in it! Love it!

    Teachers Are Terrific!

  4. Happy Last Day and thanks for the freebie! Water day looked like lots of fun...usually one of my favorite days!
    Mrs. Spriggs’ Kindergarten Pond

  5. It looks like your students' awards turned out so well!! Thank you for sharing the pictures! I love how they wrote their name really big on the side of the blue construction paper! The cleaning task cards are such a good idea, too! Welcome to summer!


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