
Sunday, June 1, 2014


Normally, Farley's Currently sneaks up on me, but not June...I've been looking forward to June for a while!

Listening... Is there any sweeter sound than little ones singing? I could listen to that all day!

Loving... There is now only one in-service cards to finish and cleaning to do...between me and sweet freedom! (for 2 months, anyway!)

Thinking... You know how we don't have favorites, right? Well, this year's class has definitely been my favorite! I'm really going to miss them, especially since I teach 5th and they are headed to middle school now.

Wanting... I'd love a pool, but I would hate the maintenance! Maybe it's the end-of-the-year-teacher-tired talking, but I would love to just lay on a float for a while :) Maybe when we win the lottery...

Needing... After 6 weeks off, I'm back in grad school starting today. I should really get started on it, but I can't motivate myself just yet.

Summer bucket list... 1 - Always wanting to visit family back home. Looks like we'll be able to head down for the Fourth this year! 2 - First trip to Vegas... Seeing a good friend for the first time in 5 years (6?)... TPT Conference...YES to all of the above! It's gonna be a great week! If you're going too, I'd love to meet up. Leave a comment or shoot me an email!

Head over to Oh Boy Fourth Grade to link up and see what everyone else is up to this month!


  1. So jealous that you are almost done! I go until the 13th...enjoy your June!

  2. Enjoy your vacation time! I wish I was able to go to the TPT Conference this year, but I will make sure that I am at the next one. I hope you have a great time!

  3. You have to go to school on a Monday? That is an interesting day to start holidays... Mind you, I would rather end on a Monday than Friday, June 27th. Ugh!
    Grade 4 Buzz

  4. Haha I'd love a pool (and a pool boy) too...
    Learning to be awesome

  5. Wahoo! 24 hours until summer- how fun! :) A pool would be to die for... I guess a lake will have to do for me. Vegas sounds like so much fun. It looks like there are a TON of bloggers heading there!

    Funky in Fourth


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