Here's how it works in my room:
- Every morning, I write a new trivia question on the board. Sometimes it's a random question from my Morning Trivia pack, but a couple of times a week, I use a review question from a concept we've recently learned. (This is *perfect* for reviewing right before standardized testing!)
- Students may work on morning trivia first thing in the morning or throughout the day if they need to do some research.
- Students may use any resources available to them other than the internet. They can use books, encyclopedias, or even ask other adults in our building. (I "outlawed" Googling the answer because it was too quick and easy!)
- Students write their answer on a slip of scrap paper and turn it in to our trivia box - which is just an empty baby wipes box covered in colored duct tape.
- At the end of the day, I draw one answer. If it's correct, that student gets a ClassDojo point. (You can read about how I use Dojo here.) If not, I keep drawing until someone gets it right.
- Usually, if no one is correct, I will tell them that the first person to tell me the correct answer the following day gets the point, and they may use internet sources at home.
I've been doing Morning Trivia in my room since sometime in January, and I keep meaning to write down all of my questions to create a product. Well...I finally got around to creating a Morning Trivia packet that includes 24 questions and answers for May/June as well as half page signs for each question and a printable answer sheet. It is half price now through Sunday night, so grab yours now in my TPT store!
This is amazingly motivating for my students! They just love seeking out the answer and wait with baited breath to see whose answer is drawn at the end of the day. Since this is so motivating, I'm linking up with Joanne at Head Over Heels for Teaching for her Spark Student Motivation Saturdays linky. Hop over to check out all of the motivating ideas, and to enter a fantastic giveaway!