Technology Thursday is a weekly linky dedicated to all things technology related. Check out our Linky Parties page for details on how to link up!
Today, I am sharing some of my favorite math websites. These are staples in my classroom, and my students love them as much as I do!
XtraMath is a great way to get students practicing basic math facts daily. I have used it in class as a math station and also as homework. Students like it, and it keeps them practicing those all important facts over and over. (Did I mention it's FREE?!)
Students practice assigned facts for 7 minutes each session, and take progress quizzes throughout the program. Teachers can easily see how students did with the easy color coded grids.
As the teacher, you can select a program for your students, choosing from a variety of combinations of operations as well as single operation programs. You can also customize the time limit students are given to answer. The default setting is all four operations, with a three second time limit. When students master a set of facts, you will receive an email notification and a certificate to print!
IXL offers practice activities for every math skill imaginable for Pre-K through Precalculus. This one isn't free, and it's actually quite expensive, at $249/year for a class membership. Our school's PTO purchases a site license for the entire school every year, and we love them for it! IXL has also recently added Language Arts activities, but our school hasn't started using them yet.
I assign IXL skills based on the concept I am currently teaching, and reward students with a ClassDojo point for completing a skill. My students are very motivated by this, and often complete skills at home on their own, without me even assigning them!
IXL has tons of report options for teachers, too, so you can easily see which students are struggling or excelling. Reports are available for student usage, student performance, trouble spots, progress monitoring, and standards mastery.
StudyJams is a Scholastic site with videos & tutorials for math and science concepts, mostly in the intermediate grades. Skills are grouped by categories, not grade levels, but I am always able to find what I am looking for using the search function.
Each skill has either a video or a step-by-step tutorial that is engaging and relevant to students while teaching the target skill. Also included is a short quiz to check for student understanding.
I often use StudyJams videos for students who missed instruction due to absences or pull-out appointments. Many times, the video can help "catch up" these students, and free up some of my time to work directly with them on the skills.
What are some of your favorite websites? I am always looking for new sites to keep our learning fresh and fun!

An InLinkz Link-up
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