Sunday, March 1, 2015

Sunday Scoop {3/1/15}

The Sunday Scoop is based on the popular 3-2-1 graphic organizers so many of us use with our students. Tell us three things you HAVE to do, two things you HOPE to do, and one thing you're HAPPY to do. If this is your first time linking up, check out our Linky Parties page for details!
Here's the Scoop on my week...

Link up and share the Scoop on your Sunday!



  1. Do you make fritatas? They are very fast and easy, and you can pretty much use any food you happen to have around. have a great week!

  2. Random thought: I have always wondered how people have these beautiful blog designs and layouts. I am quickly realizing that others design them. The blogging world is so much bigger than I ever thought it was.

  3. If you're as devoted to your crockpot as I am, I posted some of my favorites from Pinterest on Friday. Stop by and see if they look good!
    Good luck with all the cleaning...I feel your pain LOL!

  4. Thanks for the opportunity to link up with great teachers!

  5. Thank you as always for hosting the Sunday Scoop! It's always such a fun treat! :) Hope you have a great week!
    Ms. Pretzel's 2nd Grade Bugs


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